Strengthen PLN Subholding, Here Are The Board Of Directors Of PLN Primary Energy Indonesia

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir inaugurated the establishment of Holding and Subholding of PT PLN (Persero) on Wednesday, September 21.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, with the formation of this Subholding Holding, PLN has 4 Subholdings which will bring the company to be stronger, stronger and more agile in business development.

This step will take PLN to become an energy company based on technology, innovation and future-oriented towards The NEW PLN 4.0 UNLEASHING ENERGY and BEYOND. One of the four subholdings is PLN Energi Primary Indonesia.

Darmawan explained that this primary energy subholding will focus on managing up to supply chains from primary energy sources for power plants, namely Coa, Gas and Fuel, as well as Biomassa. PLN Energi Primary Indonesia has three subsidiaries, namely the Coal Mining Company, Gas Midstream Company, and Logistics Coal Company. This subholding will secure a primary energy supply to produce electricity of up to 280 thousand Gigawatt Hours (GWh) per year.

In addition to coal, the procurement of gas and fuel are also consolidated in this primary energy subholding. "Each of these needs will have its respective directorates who are responsible for securing the supply chain," said Darmawan in a statement to the media, Thursday, September 22.

The GMS has also decided on the following ranks of the Board of Directors of PLN Primary Energy Indonesia:

President Director: Iwan Agung Firstantara

Director of Coal: Ary Bastari

Director of Gas and Fuel: Rakhmad Dewanto

Biomass Director: Antonius Aris Sudjatmiko

Finance Director: Effen Febriantoro R

Human Capital and Administration Management Director: Bagus Setiawan