It Was Approved By The DPR, The Migas Carrier Ardjuna Sakti Officially Sold

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives through the mechanism of the DPR RI Plenary Meeting approved the sale of State Property (BMN) in the form of the Floating Storage Downloading (FSO) Ardjuna Sakti.

The FSO Ardjuna Sakti ship is a BMN which is a production facility in the form of a LPG storage ship KKKS BP Indonesia Berau in the Java Sea whose book value is currently Rp. 0.

The ship has a length of 140.51 m, width 41.45 m and a height of 17.07 m and has been operated for 29 years for natural gas storage which has been processed into LPG.

Head of the State Property Management Center (PPBMN) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sumartono, stated that this approval is good news for BMN management at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"The approval of the sale from the DPR is an inter-stakeholder collaboration as well as good news on the management of BMN at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, especially in order to reduce the cost of abandoned BMN (idle) treatment," said Sumartono in a statement to the media, Thursday, September 22.

He continued, based on the chronology, in 2008, the ship was handed over to the Director General of Oil and Gas SESDM, as written by the Minister of Finance Number S-202/MK.6/2008 dated September 12, 2008, because it had finished its economic age and was handed over to the state.

Since 2010, this FSO ship has been declared unfit for use and operation, its condition is heavily damaged, not economical to be repaired, so the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources proposes the process of transferring BMN through sales since 2012.

Initially, the FSO Ship would be used to support the conversion program from fuel to gas.

But on its way, the Ardjuna Sakti FSO Ship, cannot be used as a Floadding Storage Gas, considering that repairs require enormous costs.

Since it was first handed over, the FSO Ardjuna Sakti ship has docked at PT KBS Cilegon Port.

The cost of handling/ship ports has burdened the state budget, during the sales approval process by the DPR, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources still has an obligation to pay dock fees every year.

This fee has been paid for from 2009 to 2020 based on the results of the Audit and Reviu BPKP of Rp. 76 billion.

Meanwhile, the bill for clothing costs that have not been paid in 2021-2022 is IDR 6.9 billion.

The cost of docking the FSO Ardjuna Sakti ship has become a finding for the Audit BPK in the 2019 Financial Report.

The value of the acquisition of this FSO ship in the BMN bookkeeping is Rp491,699,097,657.00, but the current book value is Rp0, so the approval process for its deletion must go through the DPR-RI.

Bearing in mind that based on PP No. 27 of 2014 Jo. PP No. 28 of 2020, the transfer of BMN other than land and/or buildings with a value of Rp. 100 billion was carried out by goods users after obtaining the DPR's approval.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Donny Maryadi Oekon in his report before the Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI emphasized that Commission VII of the DPR RI had followed up on the letter from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources dated June 2, 2022 regarding the application for approval for the promotion of BMN in the form of a FSO Ardjuna Sakti ship as a continuation of the Presidential Letter dated May 9, 2016 regarding the approval of the sale of BMN to KESDM.

"The working meeting of Commission VII of the DPR with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources decided to approve the sale of BMN in the form of a FSO Ardjuna Sakti ship," he said.