Accenture Song Acquisition Of Romp, Ready To Help Metaverse Build Achievers In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Accenture announced that Accenture Song has acquired Romp, an independent brand and experience agency that is also recognized as innovative talent, creativity and marketing service on Thursday, September 22.

Accenture Song (previously Accenture Interactive) is part of Accenture which focuses on accelerating client growth and increasing their value and relevance to consumers on an ongoing basis.

This acquisition is the first acquisition carried out by Accenture in Indonesia and the second in Southeast Asia after previously acquiring Entropia, a Malaysian agency specializing in building digital experiences for its clients.

"This dewasa, various companies in Indonesia want to integrate marketing, data, and technology to provide the best branding experience for their customers. This is why we decided to acquire Romp," said Jayant Bhargava, Country Managing Director of Accenture for Indonesia at the Romp office, in Jakarta.

According to Jayant, their local cultural sensitivity, Romp, and strong track record, will be collaborated with Accenture's expertise in technology, especially machine learning, to provide the best results for clients.

The move will strengthen Accenture Song (previously Accenture Interactive) to help clients use new technologies, such as the metaverse, making them relevant and experience-based organizations.

"Accenture Song is here to help organizations build connections, provide meaningful experiences, and use the latest trends such as the metaverse through creativity, technology, and data collectively," said Thomas Mouritzen, SEA Lead Accenture Song.

According to him, the acquisition of Romp will also strengthen the marketing capabilities and branding knowledge of Accenture Song in Indonesia, so that it can give its clients a question to talents, creativity, technology, and various possibilities to grow in the future.