Ganjar Pranowo Promotion Srinuk, Rice Superior In Central Java

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has begun to distribute the Social Assistance program for the Association of Farmers Groups (Gapoktan), to control inflation in Klaten Regency. Ganjar also introduced Srinuk rice as a leading agricultural product today.

And this is another interesting product, because of the engineering results. In the past, King Lele was a legend in Delanggu. Javanese eating King Lele's rice must be rich. Top markotop. Good, fragrant. And because he was once missing, now he is returned with a new research given the name Srinuk," explained Ganjar, Wednesday, September 21.

Currently, in Klaten Regency, policies for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) are required to buy 10 kg of Srinuk rice every month.

"We help sincerely. If we accompany this, our food security is strong, while of course if Central Java rice is good and surplus. We develop rice companion because there are many tubers, corn, and other commodities that replace it," he said.

Meanwhile, the assistance program was implemented through the Department of Agriculture and Plantation of Central Java Province, with a total of Rp950,880,000. There were 2,264 Gapoktan who received, 131 of them in Klaten Regency.

There is ccultivator assistance for farmer groups, at the same time yesterday we calculated fuel assistance. Actually, there are a lot of farmers who need fuel," he said.

According to Ganjar, there are still many farmers who need fuel to produce. Such as tractor machines, water pumps, and so on.

But because this is limited, the provincial government has allocated a budget. Today we try to collect data one by one. Earlier we provided ccultivator assistance as well as we recorded the Gapoktan. God willing, we will help fuel to relieve them. And this is what we see in the field one by one so that the data is accurate," he explained.

Ganjar also appreciated the steps taken by the district/city government, which provided recommendations related to fuel assistance.

So that it can really be right on target. And no one abuses it. because the price comparison is high between subsidies and those that are not subsidies," he said.