Monex Investindo Futures Boosts Bigger Market: Boost Education On Forex And Futures Exchange

JAKARTA - One of the futures brokerage companies, PT Monex Investindo Futures, is trying to continue to boost the development of digital platforms. This is done by the company to support education and literacy for investors, both experts and beginners.

Monex Investindo Chief Digital Officer Amrit Gurbani said this was done in order to target a larger market. So far, according to him, foreign exchange (forex) trading products and futures markets are often seen as something complicated so that many people are still hesitant to "play" in these investment instruments.

"This is where education and literacy become important. With more people or potential investors who understand forex trading and the futures market, more people will want to dive in," he said in a webinar, Friday, November 27.

Furthermore, Amrit said Monex was developing a digital platform, especially those related to education and literacy. It also includes additional content about learning forex and futures exchanges.

"So the way we attract new markets is that we first expand the market. We want to increase the number of people who understand forex," he said.

He also said that his strategy was quite successful because recently there were more and more new customers at Monex. Throughout this year Amrit said the number of Monex customers grew by around 30-35 percent, while the growth in transaction volume was in the range of 15-20 percent.

According to him, transaction volume was driven by an increase in customers in the retail segment. It turns out that many people want to know about investing in the commodity and forex sectors.

Currently, Amrit explained, the average volume of Monex trading transactions is 120,000 lots per month, or around 1.2 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, during a pandemic, explained Amrit, the product that gold was most interested in was because traders generally looked for volatility.

Then, followed by oil. Especially since last March-April the oil price was minus.

"Oil and gold this year are quite hot, forex is always there and the volume is stable. But this year's gold is quite significant," he explained.

To add new customers, Monex is also expanding its products to expand the commodity and forex markets, while simultaneously promoting financial literacy. In addition, Monex launched MIFX with various features and facilities for its customers.