Study Calls Fast Roads Can Increase Brain Health

JAKARTA - Running is a great way to improve health, including preventing cognitive decline and other age-related diseases. Especially if it can be done faster every day, according to a study in JAMA Neurology.

The study, broadcast by Insider, quoted by ANTARA Wednesday, September 21, shows that 10,000 steps a day are ideal for improving health, but at least 3,800 steps per day have benefits, and run even better for brain health.

Researchers from the University of Sydney looked at data from 78,430 adults mostly white in the UK, aged 40-70 years. They then compared the number of steps, the average speed, and health results for about seven years of follow-up.

They found that for every 2,000 steps per day, on average, their early death risk was 8-11 percent lower. However, walking 3,800 steps a day has benefits, particularly for brain health, reducing the risk of dementia by up to 25 percent, according to data.

People walking about 9,800 steps per day have a 50 percent lower risk of dementia. The speed and intensity of running also make the difference in health outcomes. Traveling faster shows greater benefits for cognitive health and disease prevention such as heart disease and cancer.

The optimal speed to walk for 30 minutes is about 112 steps per minute. Another study this year found that it was traveling fast, more than three miles per hour or equivalent to 1.6 km per hour, most effectively to slow down signs of biological aging. In addition, one 2019 study showed walking 4.400 steps per day appeared to reduce the risk of early death.