According To The Government's Free Electricity Composite Package, This Is In Its Content

YOGYAKARTA Currently, the government plans to distribute an electric stove package for households. The discourse to be realized this year is part of the electricity stove conversion program from a 3-kilogram LPG gas stove. The package is planned to be distributed to 300,000 people for free.

The electric stove package given by the government is worth Rp. 1.8 million. This was as stated by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Rida Mulyana.

Rida said that the electric stove package consisted of two stoves, one cooking utensil, and a miniature circuit breaker or MCB. The public's electricity capacity was also increased in order to use the electric stove.

"So one house was given a package, the stove itself, the cooking utensil itself, the power (electricity) is increased," said Rida after attending the Banggar Meeting at the Parliament Complex, Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

Rida juga belum bisa memastikan apakah harga paket stove listrik berubah atau tidak karena saat ini ada usulan salah satu pembakerah dinaikkan dari 800 VA menjadi 1.000 VA lebih.

"Rp 1.8 million is the initial plan with two stoves with the same capacity," he said.

As mentioned earlier, the government will distribute induction stove packages to 300,000 people for free. This means that not all people will get this stove package.

Acting Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana previously said that the LPG gas stove migration program to the 1,000 watt electric stove would be held in three cities, namely Denpasar, Solo, and Sumatra.

"Yes, that's right, it is being tested by PLN in Denpasar, Solo and prepared in one of the cities in Sumatra. This is a trial to see people's acceptance as well as study the technical aspects, for example how much the furnace capacity is suitable," he said.

Meanwhile, the target of receiving the stove is the community whose name is included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). In addition, recipients must also have access to electricity at their homes.

The electricity stove conversion program from LPG gas stoves is still under debate, especially regarding the level of energy consumption costs from induction stoves that will be issued by users.

Regarding the comparison of electric stoves and gas stoves, President Director of the State Electricity Company (PLN) Darmawan Prasodjo said that cooking using an induction stove can save 10 to 15 percent more than using an LPG gas stove.

Darmawan also detailed its use. According to him, the price of LPG per kilogram currently reaches Rp4,250. The price rose after being distributed to the public to Rp5,250 per kg.

"If according to the Ministry of Representatives the price is released at IDR 4,250. Of course there is a supply chain with an average of IDR 5250 per kg," he said.

Dari harga ekonomian, harga gas LPG 3 kg sebesar Rp19,698 per kg. Sedangkan harga dari subsidi pemerintah adalah Rp4,250 per kg.

With the supply chain up to the community, the price of 3 kg LPG reaches IDR 5,250 per kg, so the government provides subsidies worth IDR 15,448 per kg.

Meanwhile, the price of the electric economy for the induction stove is Rp. 11,792 per kg of electricity or equivalent with around 7.18 Kwh.

PLN melepas biaya listrik untuk memperkapi eksivalen Rp 4,550 yang dibayar masyarakat. Artinya per kaliberasi mem cooking dibandingkan dengan LPG akan lebih murah Rp 720.

Although it has been discussed, it is not certain when the electricity stove package from the government will begin to be distributed. To monitor further developments, visit VOI.ID.