Cimahi Mayor Ajay Arrested By The Corruption Eradication Commission Suspected Of Corruption In RS

JAKARTA - The mayor of Cimahi, Ajay Muhammad Priatna, was caught in an arrest operation carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Task Force.

Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri confirmed this arrest. Firli said that Ajay, the mayor of Cimahi, was suspected of corruption related to infrastructure development.

"The mayor is suspected of committing corruption in the procurement project for the construction of a hospital in Cimahi," Filri told reporters, Friday, November 27.

However, it is not yet known the value of corruption that Ajay allegedly committed. The KPK also has not specified who will be secured in this OTT.

As well as being the Mayor of Cimahi, he is known to be the Chair of the PDIP DPC Cimahi City. He has served as mayor since October 2017.

After carrying out a silent operation, the anti-corruption agency has 1 x 24 hours to determine the legal status and construction of the suspected corruption case.