Mukomuko Kejari: State Losses In The Alleged Case Of BPNT Budget Corruption Rp1.7 Billion

MUKOMUKO - Mukomuko District Attorney Bengkulu estimates that state financial losses in the alleged corruption case of the non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2021 amounting to Rp1.7 billion."Based on the estimates or temporary assumptions of Mukomuko Kejari investigators, state financial losses reached Rp1.7 billion," said Head of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office Rudi Iskandar in Mukomuko, Antara, Tuesday, September 20.The Mukomuko District Attorney's Office has raised the status of handling cases of alleged corruption in the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) budget for the 2019-2021 Fiscal Year to an investigation.In addition, the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office in July 2022 requested assistance from the Bengkulu Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to conduct an audit of the alleged corruption case of the BPNT budget for the 2019-2021 Fiscal Year.Namun sampai sekarang, kata dia, institusinya belum menerima hasil audit kerugian negara dalam kasus dugaan korupsi anggaran BPNT Tahun Anggaran 2019-2021 dari BPKP Bengkulu.He said that the two-year distribution of BPNT was suspected to have played a game with several parties who had the authority to gain personal gain.Pihak yang berkaitan dengan bansos BPNT tersebut diduga berperan sebagai penyedia barang-barang ke E-Warung, kemudian barang-barang seperti beras, eks, dan lainnya disalurkan ke penerima bansos BPNT di Mukomuko.In the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) Number 20 of 2019 in Article 39 paragraph (1) it is stated that social assistants are prohibited from forming E-Warung as a supplier of goods and receiving rewards, either money or goods related to the distribution of BPNT.According to him, in the alleged corruption case of the BPNT budget, there are indications that there was a game that violated the Permensos."The state financial loss arises from the benefits of the parties from their activities in supplying goods for BPNT purposes, which in fact they are prohibited from carrying out activities to supply goods," he said.