DKI Provincial Government's Claim Regarding Monas Revitalization In Accordance With Presidential Decree 25/1995

JAKARTA - Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Saefullah claims that DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has followed the legal basis of Presidential Decree (Keppres) 25 of 1995 in implementing the revitalization of the National Monument (Monas). This Presidential Decree contains the development of the Medan Merdeka area in the DKI Jakarta area.

Article 6 of the Presidential Decree 25/1995 states that the governor is the chairman of the implementing body. In article 7 point A the implementing agency has the task of making a space utilization plan.

"In carrying out his duties, the governor is accountable to the president through the steering committee," said Saefullah at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 24.

Based on article 5 of the Presidential Decree 25/1995, the Steering Committee has the task of providing opinions and direction to the Implementing Body in carrying out its duties. The party serving as Chair of the Steering Committee is the Minister of State Secretary, in this case Pratikno.

In addition, the Steering Committee is also tasked with providing approval for the planning and financing of the Medan Merdeka Park development compiled by the Implementing Body.

Saefullah emphasized that the State Secretary had known and was involved in the procurement of the Monas revitalization design competition. However, the DKI Provincial Government has not yet reported the revitalization construction process.

"As we go along, we will also report it later, this is not finished. We will communicate with the steering committee continuously and continuously," he said.

Secretary of the Ministry of State Secretariat Setya Utama stated that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has not requested permission from State Secretary Pratikno as Chairman of the Steering Committee to carry out the revitalization project.

"The construction of the revitalization of Monas on the south side has never submitted a permit application. For the second phase of the MRT construction, we already have a permit with several recommendations," said Setya.

Departing from that, Commission D DPRD DKI asked the Department of Human Settlements, Spatial Planning, and Land to stop the revitalization process of the National Monument (Monas) for a while.

"We provide recommendations for the revitalization of Monas to be temporarily suspended until the approval letter from the Ministry of State Affairs is issued. Monas is Ring 1. All activities in Monas and its surroundings have approval from the center," said Chairman of Commission D DPRD DKI Ida Mahampang.

The Presidential Decree, according to Ida, is the highest legal rule of all provincial level regulations, either Governor Regulations or Regional Regulations. If DKI does not ask for approval from the Ministry of State Secretariat, DPRD will not hesitate to reject the proposed Monas revitalization budget in the next stage.

However, based on the recognition of the Director of PT Bahana Prima Nusantara, Muhidin Shaleh, as the Monas revitalization contractor, there are no instructions to temporarily stop the work.

"So far, the explanation from the related agency states that this project will continue until its completion. Even if the DPRD states that there is a Presidential Decree regarding the Medan Merdeka area, it is the related agency that will answer," said Muhidin.