Corona Virus Outbreak, Huawei Cancels Its Latest Product Teeth

JAKARTA - The Chinese company Huawei has reportedly canceled a developer conference to launch its newest product designed for 30 years, HDC.Cloud 2020.

Launching The Verge, Friday, January 24, this cancellation was due to anxiety about the Corona virus outbreak in Wuhan, China, which started some time ago until now.

"Based on the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic situation from Corona virus infection, we place great importance on the health and safety of all participants who will attend this event," said Huawei.

The event is scheduled to take place in Shenzen on February 11-12, and is scheduled to return March 27-28. This conference event is aimed at information technology developers.

"We want to introduce the ICT technology and the great capabilities the company Huawei has developed over the past 30 years. A strong new breakthrough for information technology developers globally," Huawei said through its official website while promoting its new Kunpeng and Ascend processors.

The situation in Wuhan is indeed at a critical level due to the Corona virus outbreak. Not only Huawei, Foxconn CEO Terry Gou also warned his staff not to travel to China during the Lunar New Year period, and to limit contact with animals.

The city of Wuhan has more than 11 million residents isolated since Thursday morning. Airports and train stations have also been closed to get more information about safety from the Corona virus outbreak.

Initially, the Corona virus was spread in Wuhan, China. It is believed to have originated from wildlife that was illegally traded at an animal market in the central city of Wuhan. The way this virus spreads attacks the human respiratory system and can lead to death. Reportedly, until Wednesday yesterday, this virus has killed 17 people in China.

Not only in China, the Corona virus outbreak has also reached Indonesia, recently it was reported that one of the Huawei employees who served at the BRI II Building in the Bendungan Hilir area was suspected of having contracted the deadly virus.

However, Huawei Indonesia cannot confirm whether one of its employees is proven to have contracted the deadly virus.

"At this time, we cannot state whether the Corona virus is or not until we receive confirmation from the hospital as the authority in the health sector. Once we receive confirmation, we will inform again," explained PT Huawei Tech Investment in its official statement.