New Zealand Announces Climate Emergency Status

JAKARTA - The Prime Minister (PM) of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is one of the leaders of the country who views climate change as a major threat. To that end, Ardern announced New Zealand's status as a climate emergency country.

Launched by Reuters on Wednesday, November 26, Ardern's move is a symbolic step by world countries in fighting climate change. Ardern also wants to immediately discuss steps to reduce house gas emissions in New Zealand.

"We have always regarded climate change as a major threat to our region, and it is something we must act on immediately," Ardern said.

"Unfortunately, we were unable to make a motion around the climate emergency in parliament in the last term, but now we can," he added.

Even Ardern did not want to delay, at the inauguration of the new members of parliament today, Ardern has made climate change a major issue that must be discussed. Therefore, New Zealand will join countries such as Canada, France and the UK which have made their full efforts to focus efforts on tackling climate change.

Meanwhile, before being elected for the second time as PM, Ardern has passed the zero-carbon bill. At the same time, Ardern established a net zero emissions framework by 2050, with cross-shore support in parliament.