New Bara's Requests Rising Along With Economic Recovery, Bukit Asam Setor Rp9 Trillion For State Revenue In Six Months

JAKARTA - PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) contributed Rp9 trillion for state revenue in the first half of 2022. The deposit consists of a tax of Rp2.7 trillion and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of Rp6.3 trillion.

"PTBA is committed to making an optimal contribution to the country. We strive to continue to improve the company's performance as a responsibility to shareholders, in this case the Government through MIND ID as the majority shareholder," said PTBA Corporate Secretary, Apollonius Andwie in his official statement, Monday 19 September.

The PTBA's contribution was supported by the company's relatively positive performance in the first half of this year. As is known, PTBA posted a net profit of IDR 6.2 trillion, an increase of 246 percent compared to the similar period last year (year on year/yoy) of IDR 1.8 trillion.

"This performance increase was driven by global and national economic recovery which increased demand for coal, as well as a significant increase in coal prices," Apollonius added.

He detailed that PTBA's total coal production during the first semester of 2022 reached 15.9 million tons, an increase of 20 percent compared to the first semester of 2021 which was 13.3 million tons. Meanwhile, PTBA's coal sales per Semester I 2022 were 14.6 million tons or grew 13 percent on an annual basis.

"This brilliant achievement is also supported by the Company's solid operational performance throughout the first semester of 2022. Prioritizing cost leadership in each company line, the Company applies sustainable efficiency optimally," he concluded.

Just so you know, the position of PTBA's cash reserve was well maintained even though there was a highest dividend payment of IDR 7.9 trillion in June 2022 and PTBA's net cash was recorded at IDR 11.1 trillion.