ASEAN Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Trio Agrees To Strengthen Cooperation In Facing Global Dynamics

JAKARTA - Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand are said to have reached the latest agreement to work hand in hand in improving the economy in the subregional as well as supporting the growth and development of the ASEAN region.

The three countries made a joint statement containing the determination and efforts to deal with the dynamics of geopolitical the world and jointly revive social and economic development in the subregional.

The joint statement was the result of the 8th Indonesian-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (ITT-GT) Meeting which took place on September 15-16 in Phuket, Thailand.

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said one of the points in the statement was that all countries support IMT-GT 2022-2026 Blue Printing (IB) as a guide for subregional cooperation in the next five years.

According to him, IMT-GT will implement a strategic framework of all focus areas, namely a corridor-centric approach for regional integration, growth driven by the private sector, very responsive institutional arrangements, inclusive growth, and adopting a green, blue, and circular economy.

"IB IMT-GT 2022-2026 is a Kompas to achieve this vision of 2036 from this subregional," he said in an official statement quoted on Monday, September 19.

The Minister of Industry added that IMT-GT is fully aware that the challenges arising from the dynamics of geopolitics in the world can interfere with the ongoing recovery process. Therefore, the forum appeals to remain solid in overcoming these challenges.

"In the tourism sector, we call for joint efforts by stakeholders to continue to revive social and economic development in this subregional," he said.

Then for the community food security sector, the forum also encourages cross-sectoral collaboration to reduce post-harm losses, reduce food waste and ensure food availability.

Then, IMT-GT subregionals also have great potential to develop the halal economy. Thus, the Halal Products and Services Working Group is encouraged to facilitate halal certification and utilize digital-based innovation and science in advancing the subregional halal industry.

For transportation, it was accelerated the construction of the CIQ Sadao-ICQS connecting Bukit Kayu Hitam road, maritime connectivity Ro-Ro Melaka-Dumai and the construction of the second Rantau Panjang-Sungai Dolok bridge.

The ministers also agreed that digital transformation could provide more benefits to society and the economy in subregional. Therefore, the forum hopes that the Digital Transformation Working Group can develop digital infrastructure and digital innovation, including implementing training programs for SMEs to further improve people's living standards in subregional.

"Development of human resources will continue to be carried out by strengthening the capacity of workers who follow market demand and the Industry 4.0 era through a skills improvement training program," concluded Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang.