Stop New PLTU Development Permits, This Is An Explanation From The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources

JAKARTA - The government has just approved Presidential Regulation 112 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for the Supply of Electricity on September 13, 2022.

The Presidential Regulation regulates a number of provisions such as the purchase price of renewable energy power by PLN, the ban on the development of PLTU, to the acceleration of the extension of the PLTU operating time.

Acting Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dadan Kusdiana, revealed that regarding the decision to stop the permit for the construction of Steam Power Plants (PLTU), according to him, Indonesia is currently committed to achieving Net Zero Emission in 2060 or sooner. Meanwhile, one of the programs included in the roadmap is how to achieve the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially emissions originating from coal burning at the PLTU.

"With today's technology, the PLTU that uses coal as fuel is a source of emissions. With the current technology, we can't be sure that PLTU is running, we haven't been able to reduce emissions. So the only option is for us to stop the construction of new PLTUs," said Dadan in Jakarta, Monday 19 September.

Dadan also ensured that the consideration of not granting a permit for the construction of this new PLTU would not interfere with the Indonesian economy, including ensuring that Indonesia would not experience a shortage of electricity. The Presidential Regulation stated that the Government prohibits the construction of coal-based Steam Power Plants (PLTU).

However, this ban on the construction of power plants does not apply to several PLTU developments. One of them is the PLTU which has been stipulated in the Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) prior to the enactment of this Presidential Regulation.

"New PLTU developments are prohibited, except for the PLTU that has been stipulated in the Electric Power Supply Business Plan prior to the enactment of this Presidential Regulation," explained Dadan.

In addition, the ban also does not apply to eligible PLTU. First, it is integrated with an industry that is built oriented to increase the added value of natural resources or included in the National Strategic Project (PSN) which has a major contribution to job creation and/or national economic growth.