Stafsus Edhy Prabowo, Suspect Of Corruption In The Export Case Of Benur, Turns Over To The KPK

JAKARTA - The Special Staff of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo, Andreau Misanta Pribadi and Amiril Mukminin surrendered to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The two of them are suspects who received bribes in the case of alleged lobster fry export bribery that ensnared KP Minister Edhy Prabowo.

"This afternoon around 12.00 WIB, the two suspects, namely AMP (Andreau Misanta Pribadi) as special staff of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries who also act as the Chief Executive of the Due Diligence Team for Lobster Cultivation Fisheries Business Licenses at the Ministry of KP, and AM (Amiril Mukminin) who are private parties have cooperatively surrendered and faced KPK investigators, "Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri told reporters in a written statement, Thursday, October 26.

After surrendering, the two of them are currently undergoing intensive examinations by KPK investigators.

"After undergoing examination, investigators will forcefully detain the two suspects following the five other suspects following their arrest on Wednesday morning yesterday," said Ali.

Previously reported, after being caught in the hand-catching operation (OTT), Edhy Prabowo was named an official suspect wearing an orange vest. He and five other Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) officials were named as suspects in the fry export permit case.

The five people are staff members of the Minister of KP Safri (SAF) and Andreau Pribadi Misanta (APM); management of PT Aero Citra Kargo (PT ACK) Siswadi (SWD); staff wife of the Minister of KP Ainul Faqih, and Amiril Mukminin (AM).

Meanwhile, the suspect who gave the bribe was the Director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP) Suharjito (SJT).

In this case, Edhy allegedly received a bribe of Rp. 3.4 billion, which was then used as much as Rp. 750 million to buy luxury goods in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.

For his actions, Edhy and a number of officials in his ministry who were named as suspects who received bribes were then suspected of violating Article 12 paragraph (1) letters a or b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, the suspect who gave the bribe is suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crime.

Next, after being named a suspect, Edhy and other parties will be detained at the KPK Detention Center, the Red and White Building, KPK for the next 20 days from November 25 to December 14.