Rocky Gerung Meets Akhyar Nasution: Political Dynasties Are Worsening, Medan Residents Have Common Sense

MEDAN - Rocky Gerung hopes that Medan residents will oppose dynastic politics. Rocky Gerung invites millennial youth in Medan City to exercise their voting rights in the Medan Regional Election.

This was conveyed by Rocky Gerung when he met the candidate pair number 1 in the Medan Pilkada, Akhyar Nasution and Salman Alfarisi, at Merdeka Walk, Medan, Thursday, November 26.

Rocky Gerung said that politics in Jakarta should not hinder Medan's initiative to elect its own leader. Rocky asked Medan residents to choose candidate pairs who were not related to the dynasty.

"For this reason, I am trying to convey common sense to the people of Medan to elect someone who is not related to the dynasty. Because the dynasty worsens our political ideals in the international world," said Rocky.

Rocky Gerung believes millennial young Medanese can become new guidance for Medan voters. In this way, Medan will be remembered as a guide to the Republic's common sense.

"So, congratulations on choosing to use common sense. Choose someone who does not come from dynastic politics. That is my goal here. Greetings from common sense," said Rocky.

Meanwhile, the candidate for the mayor of Medan, Akhyar Nasution, explained that millennial youth are young people who are the hope of the nation and state, especially the city of Medan.

"We really want young people to grow creatively, grow new ideas. The Medan City Government has been preparing a lot of creative space. Whether it is an art space, an open space, we will continue to build and prepare all of these," he said.

Not only that, Akhyar Nasution has also prepared gardens for creative young people so that they can display their creativity and innovation.

"Every month Pemko Medan also prepares festivals for young people to be creative. Working spaces appear everywhere. I think young people, let's continue to show your creativity for our progress, for the progress of Medan City," said Akhyar.

A similar sentiment was also conveyed by the deputy mayor of Medan, Salman Alfarisi. He explained, in the vision and mission of AMAN Medan to advance, including bringing Medan City to become a city of the future, it shows the character building of Medan.

If given the mandate, the government in the leadership of Akhyar-Salman promises to bring the development of Medan City, character building, which is also aimed at millennials.