Candidate For Mayor Of Depok, Mohammad Idris, Is Positive For COVID-19

DEPOK - Candidate for mayor of Depok, West Java, Mohammad Idris tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, after undergoing a PCR swab test on November 25. The examination was carried out by health workers at the Depok Regional Hospital in collaboration with the Depok Health Lab.

"Friends of Depok residents and media colleagues that I love, on this occasion I convey the news that based on the results of the PCR swab on Wednesday (11/25/2020) I was confirmed positive, my condition is Alhamdulillah stable," said Mohammad Idris in his statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 26.

Idris, who is also the incumbent mayor of Depok, asked for prayers from all parties and apologized for this incident.

"Because as an ordinary human being, I am not free from weaknesses and weaknesses. And I advise you to maintain health protocols, because this incident can happen to anyone, "said Idris.

Meanwhile, the head of the success team for candidate pair Mohammad Idris-Imam Budi Hartono, Hafid Nasir, explained that even though he was tested positive, Mohammad Idris' health condition was monitored well and stable.

Hafid explained that Mohammad Idris tested positive shortly after undergoing the inaugural debate at the Inews TV studio on Sunday, November 22, 2020.

"At the time of the debate, he was still in good health, even before the debate, we, both candidate pairs and a limited group attending the debate, were all required to have a rapid test and the results were non-reactive, Mr. Idris was one of those who maintained the health protocol very orderly, until he tested positive on Wednesday, 25 November by Labkesda Health Office Depok City, "said Hafid.

Hafid Nasir added that his party respects health protocols and currently Kiai Idris is undergoing quarantine and intensive care at Depok Hospital.

"We ask for prayers from all Depok residents," he said.

Hafid Nasir conveyed an invitation to pray for KH Mohammad Idris to get well soon and be given health, so he can return to his activities.

"We, on behalf of the success team and the Tata Adil Sejahtera coalition party, ask for prayers from all Depok residents so that KH. Mohammad Idris will be given recovery, God willing, we will fight together to face the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to follow health protocols and the government's appeal, we pray for residents. Allah SWT always gives him health, "said Hafid.