Not Only Receiving Bribes, The Regent Of Langkat Terbit Rencana Terjerat Alleged Gratification

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named the inactive Langkat Regent Publishing a Warring Angin Plan as a suspect in alleged gratification and participating during the process of procuring goods and services. This determination is the development of a bribery case that has ensnared him.

"Again establishing TRP as the Regent of Langkat for the 2019-2024 period as a suspect in the alleged corruption in receiving gratuities and participating in the procurement of goods and services within the Langkat Regency Government," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Friday, September 16.

Ali said investigators were still investigating allegations of gratification and participating in the process of procuring goods and services. In these two allegations, Terbit is suspected of violating Article 12B and Article 12i of the Corruption Crime Act.

"The Investigative Team is still collecting and completing the evidence so that we will convey the complete construction of the description of the suspect's actions on another occasion," he said.

He asked all parties summoned in this case to cooperate. Witness statements are needed to make a light of Terbit's actions.

The KPK also ensures that any developments in the case that ensnared Terbit will be conveyed to the authorities. "We expect the cooperative attitude of the parties who are summoned as witnesses to attend and explain honestly in front of the investigative team," said Ali.

"We will definitely convey every development of this case to the community. The development of this case is a commitment of the KPK to continue to uncover and resolve the cases it is handling," he continued.

In the bribery case, Terbit was named a suspect along with five other people. They are Iskandar PA (ISK) as the Village Head of Balai Kasih who is also Terbit's brother, and three private parties/contractors, respectively Marcos Surya Abdi (MSA), Shuhanda Citra (SC), and Isfi Syahfitra (IS). Meanwhile, as the giver, namely Muara Perangin Angin (MR) from the private sector/contractor.

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that around 2020 until now, Terbit as the Regent of Langkat for the 2019-2024 period together with Iskandar is suspected of making arrangements for the implementation of the infrastructure work project package in Langkat Regency.

When making the arrangements, Terbit ordered Sujarno as the Acting Head of PUPR for Langkat Regency and Suhardi as the Head of the Procurement of Goods and Services to actively coordinate with Iskandar as a representative of Terbit related to the selection of which partners will be appointed as the winner of the project work package at the PUPR Service and the Education Office.

In order to be the winner of the work project package, the KPK suspects that there is a request for a percentage fee by Terbit through Iskandar with a percentage value of 15 percent of the project value for work packages through the auction stage and a percentage value of 16.5 percent of the project value for direct appointment packages.