5 Body Sensitive Points That Are Rarely Touched When Making Love

YOGYAKARTA One indicator of the body's sensitive point is to feel skinngasm. This is experienced when your partner strodes certain parts of the body, such as the lower arm, neck, or ear, the sensation of moving and making the whole body cold. This feeling is often neglected, said relationship therapist target Sterling, Ph.D..

Sensitive body point, is the part that will cause sensations when touched. It can even make you feel aroused when stimulated. When making love, a partner must not only pay attention to penetration. But give stimulation to sensitive points to experience different experiences. According to ob-gyn Constants Adams, MD. Reported by Cosmopolitan, Thursday, September 15, the new sensitive zone is very likely because the body changes and experiences increase.

Adams suggests continuing to explore fun points with the aim of finding new places of pleasure that couples never know of. Here are some points that couples rarely explore when making love.

Also known as the groin area, where there is a fold between the legs to meet the genital area. Couples can focus on stimulating this area with fingers and floggers or fur toys to bring sex pleasure.

Areas around the ears are filled with sensory receptors. The edge area of the partner's ear canal can be stimulated with fingers. You can also land a kiss behind the ear leaf while breathing gently.

Many couples think, how can the fingers be fingers as sensitive areas. Intensity strengthens which areas are sensitive and not. To provide stimulation, a partner can slowly suck the fingers when the desire starts to light up. This action sends sex signals to the brain and can lead to peak pleasure.

It is located between the ears and lips, the jaw line is a sensitive zone that is widely overlooked. This area is one of the sensitive places on the face. This area can touch with a index finger or passionate warm kiss.

It may feel amusement if touched. But touch on this part, can improve mood, relax the body, and arouse arousal. Touch needs to be full of intention, for example by being held right in the curves of the soles of the feet. Otherwise, your partner will laugh sore or even rebel because of anxiety.

In addition, according to Adams, the brain is a sensitive zone both literally and seamlessly. literally, the brain is important to make all sensitive zones of the body respond to stimulation. The brain and skin are a combination that invites sensual sensations when making love.

Beyond the literally meaning, for many to be in the right headspace is the most important part of pleasure. And when the brain sends signals to the body to relax and release the hormone feeling good, that's when you and your partner actually experience sex.