No Effect During Clinical Trials, Sinopharm Permits To Market COVID-19 Vaccines

JAKARTA - One of China's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers, Sinopharm, applied for a license to market the COVID-19 vaccine after there were no negative effects on several people who received the injection during clinical trials of up to three stages.

Reported by Antara, Thursday, November 26, the application was submitted to the National Medical Products Agency (NMPA) for immediate study, said Deputy General Manager of Sinopharm Shi Shengyi.

According to him, with this permit, the vaccine that the public is waiting for will soon be available on the market.

Two vaccine candidates that have been developed by Sinopharm's subsidiary, China National Biotec Group Co (CNBG), have received approval for use in emergency purposes since last July.

Several Chinese medics and community groups at high risk have received the injection of the two vaccine candidates made by CNBG.

Nearly a million people in emergency situations have used the CNBG vaccine without any reports of adverse effects.

Based on a survey, the vaccine that uses the inactivated virus is unable to duplicate itself in human cells to generate immunity, so two doses are needed.

Sinopharm CEO Liu Jingzhen said the vaccine candidate had gone through the third phase of clinical trials in 10 countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Peru and Argentina, involving 60,000 people being injected.

Blood samples were drawn from 40,000 people within 14 days of the second injection and the results were good, Liu said.

He also added that among the Chinese citizens who had been injected with the Sinopharm vaccine, namely construction project workers, diplomats and students who wanted to travel abroad, none had been infected with COVID-19.

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