Indef Researchers Call Indonesian Annual Inflation Can Capai 8.79 Percent In 2022

JAKARTA - Center of Food, Energy, and Sustainable Development Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) researcher Dhenny Yuartha Junifta said the highest point of inflation on an annual basis could reach 8.79 percent in 2022.

The reason is, every increase in fuel prices by 1 percent, the Consumer Price Index (IHK) will increase by 0.12 percent.

So when fuel prices increase, IHK will also increase. We can find out from several graphs how the increase in pertalite increased the JCI in 2016 and 2018," he said during an online discussion on Indef monitored in Jakarta, Thursday.

The increase in fuel prices which increase inflation will also reduce household consumption where an increase in inflation by 1 percent will reduce household consumption by 0.008 percent.

The higher the inflation, of course, national household consumption will decrease. This will also certainly have an impact on the potentially rising poverty rate," he said.

The reason is, the increase in the real wages of workers is not in line with the increase in inflation as happened in 2021, the real wages of workers only increased by 0.13 percent compared to the previous year, while inflation of foodstuffs rose on an annual basis to 3.2 percent.

He suggested that the government increase social monitoring to the community.

Menurut dia, bantuan sosial senilai Rp24,17 triliun dikirakan tidak akan cukup meredam dampak kenaikan harga minyak dunia terhadap daya beli masyarakat.

The direct cash assistance (BLT) for 20.65 million beneficiary families (KPM) and wage subsidies for 16 million workers should be given in nominal value of at least Rp. 1 million per recipient per month.

Ada sekitar 113 juta main middle class artinya ada 113 juta kelas middle class yang dia itu sebenarnya tidak miskin, tapi dia mudah masuk ke masyarakat miskin, ucapnya.