3 The Baleg Ganjal Bill Reaches An Agreement Regarding The 2021 Prolegnas Composition

JAKARTA - Three Drafts of Law (RUU) block the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia from reaching an agreement regarding the composition of the 2021 priority National Legislation Program.

Chairman of the DPR RI Baleg Supratman Andi Agtas said the three bills were the Draft Law on Pancasila Ideology (RUU HIP), the Draft Law on Family Resilience, and the Draft Law on Amendments to Law (UU) Number 23 years. 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia (BI).

"Between the government, and the factions in the DPR RI regarding the decision tonight regarding the three Drafts of Law that I mentioned earlier, the factions still need time to lobby, deepen. And because of that, we have mutually agreed. with the government, DPD, and DPR RI, we postpone the decision-making process until tomorrow, "said Supratman as quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 26.

The attitude of the PDI-P, conveyed by DPR RI Baleg Member Riezky Aprilia, suggested that the Pancasila Ideology Policy Draft (RUU HIP), which has been awaiting a Presidential Letter (Surpres), should still be included in the 2021 priority Prolegnas.

On the other hand, Riezky said that according to the PDI-P, the Family Resilience Bill does not yet have the urgency to be discussed in the 2021 priority Prolegnas.

"Because the majority has agreed in the decision of the DPR RI Baleg dated November 23, 2020, that the Family Resilience Bill is not continued with discussions at the next level," said the member of Commission IV DPR RI.

The Gerindra Party's stance, conveyed by the Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Faction of the DPR RI, Heri Gunawan, agreed that the Family Resilience Bill was issued from the 2021 priority Prolegnas in line with the decision of the DPR RI Baleg on November 23, 2020.

Heri also suggested that the Bank Indonesia Bill be removed from the 2021 priority Prolegnas, because the proposed amendments to Law 23/1999 had already been included in the proposed draft Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Reform Bill (Financial Sector Omnibus Law).

However, Gerindra did not want the HIP Bill. Heri conveyed that because the Gerindra faction of the DPR RI viewed the HIP Bill would cause unnecessary political uproar amid the threat of an economic recession which was deemed to endanger development.

Apart from Gerindra, there are six other factions who firmly reject the HIP Bill to be included in the 2021 Priority Prolegnas, namely the Golkar Party (Nurul Arifin), the Democratic Party (Santoso), the National Awakening Party (Ela Siti Nuryamah), the National Mandate Party (Zainuddin Maliki), the Prosperous Justice Party. (Adang Daradjatun), and the NasDem Party (Taufik Basari).

Meanwhile, the United Development Party (PPP) wants the bill that passes through the harmonization process in the DPR RI Baleg to be considered for the 2021 priority Prolegnas.

"We (PPP) agreed that the draft bill which was included in harmonization would continue to be followed up with priority Prolegnas in 2021," said the spokesman for the PPP faction Illiza Sa'aduddin Djamal.

Furthermore, Chairman of the DPR RI Baleg Supratman Andi Agtas said he would again hold a work meeting for the preparation of the 2021 priority Prolegnas at the DPR RI Baleg this Thursday, but the time would still be agreed.