Good News! DKI Provincial Government Removes Tax Administrative Sanctions Until December 15, Let's Check The List!

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a policy to abolish regional tax administration sanctions on 11 types of taxes. The abolition of this tax administrative sanction is effective from September 15 to December 15, 2022.Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Revenue Agency, Lusiana Herawati, said this was regulated in the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Revenue Agency Number 1588 of 2022 concerning the Elimination of Regional Tax Administration Sanctions."The policy of removing administrative sanctions in 2022 is given automatically by making adjustments to the regional tax management information system," Lusiana said in a statement, Wednesday, September 14.Lusiana said that the abolition of tax sanctions was carried out as an effort to recover the economy, accelerate revenue targets, stimulus to taxpayers, and to increase awareness and compliance in terms of orderly administration of regional tax payments."We urge all taxpayers to immediately fulfill their tax obligations by taking advantage of the policy to abolish administrative sanctions in 2022 so that taxpayers can be helped in paying off their tax obligations as well as efforts to assist DKI Jakarta's economic recovery," Lusiana explained.Administrative sanctions were removed from hotel tax, restaurant tax, entertainment tax, parking tax, motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB), motor vehicle transfer duty tax (BBNKB), land and building rights fees (BPHTB) motor vehicle tax (PKB), land and rural and urban buildings (PBB-P2), as well as groundwater tax (PAT).The abolition of administrative sanctions shall be imposed on:1. Administrative sanctions in the form of interest arising from late payment of tax payables and/or period deposits that have passed the due date of payment for types:a. Hotel taxb. Restaurant taxc. Parking taxd. Entertainment taxe. PBBPKBf. BBNKBg. BPHTBh. PKBi. Tax on billboardsj. PAT2. Administrative sanctions in the form of interest listed in the regional tax bill (STPD) that are not or are not paid for the type:a. Hotel taxb. Restaurant taxc. Parking taxd. Entertainment taxe. PBBPKBf. BPHTBg. Reclamation taxh. PBB-P2i. PAT3. Administrative sanctions in the form of fines arising from delays in registration for types:a. Hotel taxb. Restaurant taxc. Parking taxd. Entertainment taxe. PBBPKBf. BBNKBg. PKBh. Reclamation taxi. PAT