Mahfud MD Said That The Data Security Special Team Was Formed Not Because Of Bjorka

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD explained that a special team for data security was formed to prevent hacking. It is hoped that all existing state secrets will no longer be hacked.

"(The team was formed, ed) to protect confidential data. While now no one has been able to be hacked," Mahfud said in a written statement to reporters, Wednesday, September 14.

Mahfud denied that this team was formed because of hackers or hackers calling himself Bjorka. According to him, a special team for data protection is solely prepared to complete the Personal Data Protection Act (UU PDP), which has not yet been completed.

Moreover, there is actually no new and secret data that was leaked by Bjorka. Likewise with his data which was uploaded by the anonymous hacker.

"What is from Bjorka now is not a secret. It can be taken anywhere. Personal data about me, for example, on YouTube is there, in Google it is, in my books it is also there," he said.

"The task force is actually more to welcome the Personal Data Protection Law which has been approved at level I of the DPR and now it's just a hammer. So far the bill is still being discussed in the DPR," continued Mahfud.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) created a special team filled with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and the National Police. This step was taken after the emergence of an anonymous hacker named Bjorka.

Bjorka is the mastermind behind the spread of 26,730,797 history browsing data from IndiHome customers which includes information related to Identity Cards (KTP), emails, cell phone numbers, passwords, domains, platforms, and URLs.

In addition, the hackers were also the perpetrators of the distribution of 1.3 billion SIM card registration data, 105 million Indonesian voter data related to elections, to documents written by the President and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Next, he also spread his identity or doxing on a number of ministers such as the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD. Not only that, but the personal data belonging to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan was also distributed by Bjorka.