Heat Increases Absorbage From Breeders In Order To Maintain The Stabilization Of Chicken Prices

JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (Bapana) facilitates the absorption of live birth or live chickens through collaboration with SOEs as well as associations of farmers and traders in order to maintain stability in the price of live chickens at the farmer level.

Head of Bapanas Arief Prasetyo Adi said his party had started absorbing 10 tons of live chickens directly from farmers in the past two days for Rp. 21,000 per kilogram.

This number will still increase along with the absorption efforts that will continue to be carried out in the following month.

This facilitation of the absorption of live chickens is one of the strategic steps to provide certainty about the price of live birth at the farmer level. This is a concrete effort and will continue to be carried out by cooperating with various livestock stakeholders," said Arief as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 13.

Arief explained that this facilitation effort was the result of the collaboration between Balapanas with SOEs and the Budget Association.

BUMN through Bulog and Food SOE Holding, represented by PT Berdikari, PT Indonesia Trading Company, and BGR Logistics Indonesia, have prepared their absorption and logistics instruments.

Meanwhile, associations prepare live chicken stocks. The association involved in this collaboration is the Indonesian Market Traders Association (IKAPPI), the All-Indonesian Market Traders Association (APPSI), and the Indonesian People's Budget Association (Pinsar).

The Food SOEs of PT PPI and PT Berdikari as off takers conducted a search and purchase of live births at the center location. Meanwhile, NFA provides facilitation of food distribution from the location of the cage to the poultry cutting house. Furthermore, the Food SOEs distribute the produce of chicken meat to Jereka and other distributors," said Arief.

The absorption of live chickens directly from breeders by Food SOEs, along with the Purchase and Sales Price (HAP) of chicken meat agreed by gas stakeholders.

As a long-term solution, NFA and livestock stakeholders have sat down together to arrange and agree on HAP for broiler chicken/live beer at the farmer level, which is IDR 21-23,000. This figure is based on the calculation of various cost components that form the main production price, such as DOC prices, feed, average harvest weight, medicine and vaccines, as well as operational costs," he explained.

Currently, said Arief, HAP is in the process of enacting regulations from the National Food Agency.

"All national business actors and stakeholders must be committed to implementing the HAP, so that the stability of chicken prices at the farmer level and consumers can be maintained," he said.

Another long-term solution, he said, is to build an upstream-downstream-downstream gas ecosystem, one of which is by ensuring the availability and stability of corn prices as feed.

To maintain corn supply in poultry production centers, as of September this time NFA has facilitated the distribution of corn from NTB to Kendal and Blitar as much as 2.7 million kg. In the future, Badas will prepare HAP feed.

Based on data from the NFA Food Price Panel, as of September 11, 2022, the average national price for live chickens is IDR 21,380/kg, with a highest price of IDR 24,170 in South Kalimantan and a minimum of IDR 17,000 in South Sumatra.

For the availability of broiler meat, based on National Food Balance data, until the end of September 2022, it is estimated that the stock of broiler meat is 602,000 tons, while until the end of December 2022 it will be at 903,000 tons.

It can be said that the availability of national broiler meat is in a safe position. We also continue to carry out efforts to maintain the availability of other food. We monitor food stocks daily ups and downs, this is in accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia so that we all increase vigilance amid the threat of a global food crisis," said Arief.