Prevent Contributing Tree In The Rainy Season, Hundreds Of Old Tree In The Jakbar Area Developed

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta City Government (Jakbar City Government) cut hundreds of fallen old trees in the area to maintain beauty and reduce the occurrence of fallen trees, especially during the rainy season.

"We routinely trim trees, especially on the green line," said Head of the West Jakarta Forestry and City Park Sub-dept. Romi Sidharta, quoting Antara, Monday, September 12.

Romi gave an example, in August alone, around 750 trees with risky conditions in the West Jakarta area had been pruned.

The 750 trees were cut down by two categories, namely light and heavy pruning. Light is cutting the part of the twigs that hang onto the streets or people's houses.

"If the heavy cuts are for large branches. So, we will cut them after we measure them four meters from below," he explained.

Romi continued, hundreds of these trees were in several areas of West Jakarta. He said that one of the areas prone to falling trees was Kebon Jeruk.

"One of them is on Jalan Kebon Jeruk Raya and Jalan Panjang," he said.

Romi ensured that his party would routinely monitor to cut trees that were considered old and at risk of falling.

He also asked residents to proactively report the condition of the shady and fragile tree via the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application so that it can be handled immediately by officers.