Lost Savings Book? Know The Terms And How To Take Care Of It Here

YOGYAKARTA Savings book must be maintained properly and should not be lost because it is proof of someone's ownership of funds stored in a certain bank.

Although all current transactions can be done electronically without the need for song savings books, the function of the savings book is still important. The reason is, all transactions made through the branch office of a bank must show savings as proof of account ownership.

So, what happens if the savings book is lost? If that happens, you don't have to worry. Because the terms and how to take care of a savings book are not complicated.

As is known, prospective customers who want to open a bank account will be given a savings book in the name of the saver.

The savings book provided by the banking sector cannot be sold and traded.

Savings books can be used when you take care of very important things, such as applying for Home Ownership Loans (KPR), credit cards, loan funds, and annual tax administration.

The many administrative affairs that use passbooks make them not lost. However, if your savings book is lost, there are several conditions that you must fulfill when taking care of the lost passbook at the branch office of a banking branch.

The requirement to take care of lost savings books is actually quite easy to fulfill. The first document that you have to prepare before taking care of the lost passbook is a loss certificate from the local police station.

The letter must be taken care of because the savings book is the same as an ID card containing a person's personal identity so that it is vulnerable to misuse.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, In general, these are the conditions for managing a lost passbook at the branch office of a bank:

The above requirements are general requirements that are usually requested by the banking sector. However, it's a good idea to keep asking the customer service concerned.

How to Take care of Lost Savings Books

If you have prepared the document, follow the following steps to take care of the lost passbook:

Steps to Take Care of Savings and ATM Books that are Lost At the same time

If your savings book and ATM are lost simultaneously, the way to take care of it is as follows:

Those are the requirements and ways to manage lost passbooks. If you can fulfill all of the above procedures, managing the savings book and lost ATM cards will not take more than 1x24 hours.