Chinese Government Efforts To Suppress The Spread Of Wuhan Flu Abroad

JAKARTA - The world is faced with a new health problem, namely a virus called corona. This virus resembles SARS. Starting from Wuhan, China, this virus has spread to other countries such as Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the United States, Taiwan, Vietnam to Singapore.

Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian said, regarding the problem of the corona virus and the situation in Wuhan City from Hubei Province in China. According to him, his party controls residents not to leave the area. Vice versa, the government banned residents of other areas from coming to Wuhan.

"So we will control public transportation within an undetermined time limit," he said, when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, January 24.

In addition, Xiao explained, the Chinese government is also working with WHO to find solutions for handling the corona virus.

"We are working with WHO through data and technology to find solutions and analysis. We are working with the international community, especially WHO, what must be done," he said.

Even though this corona virus has spread to several other countries, Xiao emphasized that this virus cannot be said to be an international epidemic.

"We are still communicating with WHO and WHO has held an emergency meeting. But WHO has not declared this situation a global emergency situation, no. So global majors," he explained.

Xiao said, communication between Indonesian and Chinese citizens was maintained, except in areas affected by the corona virus. He also assured that the Chinese government can control this situation.

"We will also continue to provide updates for Indonesia. Then we are sure that both of us (Indonesia-China) can work together, we can control the situation. We have also explained to the Indonesian government about the current situation, what we are doing. So together- together we can fight this virus, "he said.