East Kalimantan Provincial Government Flats Grand Design Design Population Development Design

JAKARTA - The East Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov Kaltim) is preparing a Grand Design for Population Development (GDPK) in five pillars for the 2020-2035 period, to be described every five years so that development is measurable and sustainable.

"In general, population development includes five important aspects that all must be described during preparation," said Secretary of the Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DKP3A) of East Kalimantan Province, Eka Wahyuni, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Five aspects of the population development are aspects of population quantity, population quality, population mobility, population data and information, as well as population policy dissemination.

GDPK is a formulation for planning national population development, provinces, and regencies/cities for the next 25 years and is described every 5 years.

The elaboration per five years contains a tendency for population development parameters, various important issues of population development, including a number of population development programs every five years.

The general goal, he said again, is the main goal of implementing the GDPK in order to achieve high population quality, so that it is able to be an important factor in achieving the nation's progress.

While the special goal is to create a balanced population, to create a healthy and spiritual Indonesian human being, intelligent, independent, independent, faith, piety, noble behavior, and to have a high work ethic.

Then create a family of Indonesia that is resilient, prosperous, healthy, advanced, independent, harmonious, balance in the distribution of the population that is in line with the carrying capacity of nature and the capacity of the environment, orderly, accurate, and trustworthy population administration.

He also said that nationally the preparation of the East Kalimantan GDPK which was prepared in 2012 was included in 32 provinces that had reported the preparation, except for the provinces of Kaltara and West Papua, but the East Kalimantan GDPK was still in one pillar/asspect, namely quantity.

"As for the GDPK, 10 regencies/cities throughout East Kalimantan Province have been prepared, but they are still in one aspect/pillar, except for the Balikpapan City GDPK which has compiled GDPK in five pillars," said Eka.