These Are 3 Suggestions From The Perindo Party To Protect The Fuel Subsidy For The Small People, Mahyudin: Must Be Targeted

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) DPP, Mahyudin, suggested to the government and BPH Migas to make various efforts to ensure that the distribution of fuel subsidies is right on target and there is no leakage.

"In order for leaks and subsidies to be right on target, cooperation in monitoring the distribution of subsidized fuel needs to be strengthened again," Mahyudin said at the Perindo Party Webinar entitled "After the Increase in fuel prices, How is the Supervision System So as not to Wap Again?" in Jakarta, Friday 9 September.

According to him, the cooperation in supervising the distribution of subsidized fuel by placing Polri personnel at every gas station has so far been going well.

"I think this has started walking, I see that there are some hoarders, but as far as I know I am not a big hoarder," he said.

In addition, Mahyudin said the government -- in this case BPH Migas -- must accelerate the fuel subsidy distribution scheme in the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel.

"What was being prepared, I hope it will be socialized soon," said Mahyudin.

In the revision of the Presidential Regulation, Mahyudin hopes to include several of his proposals.

First, changing the provisions for distributing Solar-subsidized fuel, including to six-wheeled vehicles belonging to plantations and mining.

Second, in the Presidential Regulation it is necessary to include the types and criteria of vehicles that are entitled to Pertalite.

"Actually, if we look at the progress of our nation now we have used a National ID card where people with one NIK have verified who are poor," he said.

Third, integrating data on fuel subsidy recipients, namely NIK, and NPWP, so that the economy and NPWP classes are paid.

"This data can be used in the distribution of BLT fuel," he said.

Then take advantage of the digital system with the MyPertamina application. This can help collect data and subsidies are more targeted.

Where in the application there are names, addresses, NIK, types of vehicles owned and so on.

Next, continued Mahyudin, cooperation between BPH Migas and the Regional Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs in supervising the distribution of fuel in the regions.

Bearing in mind, BPH Migas does not have a representative office in the regions. Moreover, only dozens of BPH Migas employees at the center and it is impossible to supervise as many as 6,729 gas stations throughout Indonesia.

"I think it has started working, it just needs to be strengthened in cooperation so that it can monitor 6,729 gas stations," he said.

Mahyudin emphasized that the distribution of right targets requires various policies. The reason is, so far the government has been in solving problems such as subsidized fuel distribution, which tends to be flat.

"So there are many opportunities for leakage or not being right on target where subsidized fuel is intended for the poor," he concluded.