Independent COVID-19 Vaccination Next Year, SOEs Prepare Pre-Orders Through Applications

JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma (Persero) said that people who will participate in the COVID-19 vaccination program independently next year, must place an order in advance or pre-order (PO).

Bio Farma Digital Healthcare Director Soleh Udin Al Ayubi said this step was taken to anticipate the stockpiling of vaccines in distribution channels. Because, hoarding vaccines will make the condition worse. Moreover, the availability of vaccines is very limited.

Furthermore, Soleh said that ordering in advance was also needed to adjust the number of vaccination requests or demands. So that vaccine delivery will be adjusted to existing demand.

"There is a process for pre-orders, this is also very important. It is important for distribution, so we will know how much the real demand is in the field. This is very important because the vaccines are very limited. So you can't, for example, one clinic says a request is 100 million a dose without real demand, "he said, in a webinar, Tuesday, November 24.

Soleh said, Bio Farma as the holding for pharmaceutical SOEs already has the Kimia Farma Mobile application which can be used for the registration and verification process for independent vaccine recipient candidates next year.

However, said Soleh, currently people are still unable to register for the vaccination program. This is because there is no green light from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

"The application that has been developed by a pharmaceutical BUMN, Kimia Farma mobile, the current version cannot be used for vaccination because we are waiting for the Ministry of Health's direction when to register or pre-order for vaccination," he explained.

Soleh said, the pharmaceutical holding company provides three access to independent vaccine registration, namely through the application, website, and manual. The quota allocation for each registration route depends on the Ministry of Health.

Registration via the application or website consists of seven stages. First, the patient registers or pre-orders. Second, make payments. Third, receive a reminder.

Fourth, fill out the form. The five visited health facilities that would validate the QR Code and also vaccine injection services. Sixth, receiving a certificate of being vaccinated. Finally, information related to vaccination results.

"Certificates can also be used to carry out activities such as wanting to take a train," he said.

According to Soleh, this system is a digital solution from pharmaceutical holding in helping the government implement the vaccination program. Through this system, the government can find out the current needs of each region and can also minimize the occurrence of hoarding of vaccines.

Furthermore, Soleh admitted that he was sure that the system would make it easier for people or corporations who wanted to do independent vaccines. In fact, he said, the public could choose a vaccination location close to where they lived or worked.

"Especially for the community through corporations or insurance, when the payment is made, the public does not need to do it because it is automatic (paid)," he said.

According to Soleh, the system also helps people who want to do independent vaccines first, rather than waiting for government-assisted vaccines. That way, the government can allocate the vaccine to other people who have not received the vaccine.