The Moment Of Bripka RR Unloading Screenplay Inspector General Ferdy Sambo In The Murder Case Of Brigadier J

JAKARTA - Bripka Ricky Rizal alias RR is said to have changed his statement regarding the storyline of the premeditated murder of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. Because, at the beginning of the examination he stated that the bloody incident occurred because of a shootout."The first one was indeed carried away by the scenario (the shootout of Brigadier J and Bharada E)," said Bripka RR lawyer Erman Umar to reporters, Thursday, September 8.However, as the investigation process progressed, Bripka RR changed his statement. He said Brigadier J died not because of a shootout but was killed.The series of actual events was revealed by Bripka RR when the investigative team came to his family. They asked Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's former aide to tell the truth."He turned around after maybe Richard (Bharada E, ed) opened and he was also visited by his wife's younger brother so he asked to speak properly," he said.At that time, the scenario of the shootout was finally refuted. The mystery of Brigadier J's death finally began to be revealed."At that time he started to talk the truth," said Erman.Bripka RR is one of the suspects in the murder of Brigadier J. He is said to have played a role in helping the murder.Thus, in this case he suspects under Article 338 subsidiary 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.