Stories Of Drug Prisoners Anniversary Children Behind The Iron Judicial: The Fruit Grows Healthy In The Community With Problems With Law

TANGERANG - A female prisoner with the initials N (23) told how she was able to give birth and even raise children in the Tangerang Class IIA Women's Prison. N, who served 4 years and 7 months, was caught in a drug case. Until now he has only lived one year. But when N was met by VOI, there was no sad face, he looked happy with his 7-month-old baby.

When met at the Class IIA Tangerang Prison, N admitted that when he was caught in a drug case he was four months pregnant.

"He was in prison and was pregnant. He was born in prison like that," N told VOI at the Class IIA prison in Tangerang, Thursday, September 8.

It turns out that what N envisions, giving birth to babies in prison, is not what he envisions the worst. Long in comparison, said N. Because, N admitted that many inmates (WBP) and prisons care about their babies.

"So there are no difficulties, as long as it has been born until now there have been no difficulties. Because there are many who help. Everyone also loves my (my) child, said N while embracing his child.

Regarding the needs of children, such as milk and other baby tools, it turns out that the prison and other inmates have prepared it. He was surprised by the reality he faced. Everyone around him, even in prisons, cares a lot about taking care of baby N.

Sometimes I like to be given from prisons (the need for babies). All the help from their mothers, so there were no difficulties, as long as they were born until now there were no difficulties whatsoever. All (WBP) involved, without exception. very helpful," said N.

The 7-month-old baby cried and even laughed in the prison. He grew up healthy in the midst of people with legal problems.

Prison, it turns out that it is not as scary as N imagined. Even the child has good growth and development, there are no complaints such as health. N said, his son seemed to understand the condition of the mother.

"In fact, it's really handsome here. Rarely crying. (Fasility) is very feasible," said N.

N realized, although many support and care for him and his baby, he hopes that the child will not follow in his mother's footsteps later on. N hopes that his son can become a useful child for the nation, benefit many humans, and obey his parents.

"I hope you don't be like your mother, that's all. The point is I don't want my child to be like me. Even in an environment like this, like other people think about it. Here I will educate my child so that it doesn't feel like other people think about it," said N occasionally strokes his tears.

N is not the first woman to raise children in prison. There are other women who experience the same thing as N. They are forced to live it because they have to be held accountable for their actions.

Don't mean to compare. Different from what happened to Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Chandrawati. When involved in a premeditated murder case, she was a city prisoner on the grounds that she had to take care of her small baby.