Makassar Pilkada Debate: Appi-Rahman Sindir Danny Pomanto-Deng Ical's Failure On Makassar Smart City

JAKARTA - Candidate pair for mayor and vice mayor of Makassar number 2, Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman) insinuated that the smart city program in Makassar was not going well. This satire is addressed to candidate number 1 M Ramdhan Pomanto or Danny Pomanto and candidate number 3 Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical).

“Makassar is still semi-manual even though it was once initiated by Mr. Danny and Mr. Ical how to use Makassar as a smart city, but it has not worked well until today. We will make the best possible improvements, ”said candidate deputy mayor number 2 Abdul Rahman Bando in the Makassar Pilkada debate broadcast on YouTube KPU Makassar, Tuesday, November 24.

For information, Danny Pomanto and Deng Ical, who are currently competing as candidates for the mayor of Makassar, once worked together as mayor and deputy mayor of Makassar. Now the two are separated and each of them chooses a candidate for his deputy mayor to advance in the Makassar Pilkada.

Returning to Abdul Rahman, in his presentation he said that information technology is very important in bureaucratic governance. IT systems are said to promote transparency, including in the selection and promotion of ASN.

"The most important thing is how transparency in the procurement of goods and services we do electronically using a technology system that can be accessed by all parties. Now we cannot do manual procurement of goods and services, e-catalog is the key to success in transparency and openness to avoid KKN, "said Abdul Rahman.

Regarding information technology, candidate number 4 for mayor Irman Yasin Limpo or None Limpo said that technology in the Makassar City Government is still limited to computerization.

"It should be further, what candidate pair number 2 stated earlier, I consider that computerization is not yet a digitization process that is connected based on big data. My principle is that the process in the future should be more than just computerization," said None.