Paste No Fuel Leaks, Minister Of SOEs Pantau Comand Center Pertamina

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir reviewed Pertamina Integrated Enterprise Data and Command Center (PIEDCC) to see Pertamina's readiness and preparedness in distributing energy to remote parts of the country.

Erick assessed that the system built by Pertamina could detect both availability, distribution, and potential fuel leaks directly (real time).

This command center was created by Pertamina to detect production results. We can see what the production results are like, what the process will be, both by sea and land and there will also be early detection if there is a reduction in stock to enter a gas station and use it by the community," said Erick in an official statement, Thursday, September 8.

From a review at PIEDCC, from upstream to downstream, Erick emphasized that the fuel stock for all of Indonesia is still in a safe condition. He also emphasized that through PIEDCC Pertamina, it can apply efficiency from production to sales.

"That's why now I check directly to ensure the quota (stok) is safe, as well as safe and not leaking distribution, efficient and effective," he said.

From PIEDCC's observation, for the availability of Pertalite type fuel stocks, Pertamax is at the level of 17 days, Pertamax is at the level of 49 days and Pertamax Turbo at the level of 99 days.

As for the availability of the Solar type, it is at the level of 18 days and Pertamina Dex is at the level of 76 days. Meanwhile, the availability of Avtur type fuel is at the level of 31 days.

Meanwhile, Pertamina's President Director, Nicke Widyawati, explained that through PIEDCC, the flow can be monitored from production to distribution of fuel to the community.

In fact, he continued, the PedCC system can directly monitor potential distribution leaks in the field.

This is an effort that we are making to reduce loss (lost) both from the refinery, enter the ship, enter the tank car and enter the gas station. At gas stations everything is recorded, for example, from the dispenser number 5 of what products are issued. So if there is a difference, you can see it immediately," explained Nicke.

Furthermore, Erick added, the construction of the PIEDCC system should have been carried out.

Especially now that it has become an era with a digital-based data system.

He added that the data presented by Pertamina can be collaborated with the data in the National Police, especially in the agenda of monitoring fraud in the field.

"We are coordinating with the National Police Chief to sign the MoU so that we will synchronize this data and the police data and also supervise if there is hoarding. We encourage this collaboration with the National Police Chief," said Erick.