President Jokowi's Family Welcomes Jan Ethes's Younger Brother

SOLO - The extended family of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the baby girl Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Selvi Ananda.

"Alhamdulillah, our second child was born, the process went smoothly with the female gender," said Gibran after the delivery of his wife at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Surakarta, Friday, November 15.

When asked about the name of his second child, who was born at 15:46 WIB, Gibran said, "The name is already there but it will be first. Mbah just traveled to Solo."

Gibran accompanied by his mother and mother-in-law said that his second child was born weighing 2.92 kilograms and a body length of 46.5 cm.

"Thank you to the PKU team of doctors who were accompanied by the Minister (Minister of Health). Currently the baby and his mother have returned to the treatment room," he said.

One of the doctors who handled Selvi's delivery, Dr. Soffin Arfian, said that the delivery was done by caesarean section.

"Due to strong indications of cesarean section. Thank God, both of them are healthy. The operation was carried out in about an hour," he said.

As is usually done, he estimates that hospitalization will be carried out up to three days after the cesarean section. He said that currently both the mother and baby had returned to the room for joint care.

Meanwhile, First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo admitted that she was tense while waiting for her son-in-law's operation.

"I am still anxiously waiting for the operation. I am with Selvi's mother until I am tense, as tense as I was when I waited for Ethes to be born. This is already lonely," he said.