Jakpro Has Appointed Auditors For Formula E And That Has Just Been Done

JAKARTA - DKI BUMD, PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the organizer of Formula E Jakarta admitted that it had only appointed an auditor for the electric car racing event this Sunday.

"It's only been this week," said Jakpro President Director Widi Amanasto when contacted in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 7, quoted from Antara.

Widi did not explain in detail the process of appointing the new auditor, but he revealed it through a tender mechanism.

Meanwhile, DKI DPRD member Gilbert Simanjuntak revealed that the audit had not been carried out because no accountant's office was willing to audit.

This reason was expressed in the evaluation meeting of the 2021 APBD Implementation Accountability last week.

"The audit has not been carried out on the grounds that no good accountant's office is willing to audit," said Gilbert.

In a plenary meeting related to the submission of reports on the results of the discussion of the DKI DPRD Budget Agency regarding the Draft Regional Regulation on Accountability for the Implementation of the 2021 APBD on Tuesday (6/9), the request for an audit of Formula E came back.

DKI DPRD member Wa Ode Herlina requested that financial reports including the loss of profit in the implementation of Formula E be immediately disclosed to the public and included in the DKI DPRD.

The reason, he said, is for financial transparency whose commitment fee is to use 2019 APBD funds and especially since the car racing event has been completed on Saturday (4/6).

"During the discussion of the 2021 P2APBD, there were no financial reports of PT Jakpro related to the issuance of Formula E. When asked, the President Director of Jakpro also did not provide a transparent explanation. Currently, the implementation of Formula E has been completed, but there are no financial reports, profit losses to the public," he said.

Based on a report from the DKI Jakarta Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the implementation of Formula E Jakarta was carried out for three seasons, namely 2022-2024 after the renegotiation from the initial five seasons, namely 2020-2024, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The total commitment fee deposited with Formula E Operation (FEO) as the operator and license holder of Formula E reached 31 million pounds or equivalent to Rp560 billion, out of a total of 36 million pounds.

The remaining £5 million based on the DKI Jakarta BPK report will be paid by DKI Jakarta BUMD, PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the organizer in Jakarta in the third year without going through the APBD.