Pupuk Kaltim Bangun Kawasan Agricultural Modern Di Kalimantan Timur

JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Kaltim, one of the SOEs in East Kalimantan, built an integrated and sustainable modern agricultural area with the concept of the "Smart Green House" on an area of 1,000 square meters in East Kutai Regency."We carried out this Smart Green House program by cooperating with the fostered farmer group (poktan), namely Poktan Qoriyah Mubarokah in Suka Rahmat Village, Teluk Pandan District, East Kutai," said Vice President of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Pupuk Kaltim Anggono Wijaya in Bontang, quoted from Antara, Wednesday 7 September.This program was initiated in an effort to encourage the realization of integrated and sustainable agriculture, through the implementation of precision agriculture with optimal assistance.This agricultural concept is carried out through a pentahelix system on an area of 1,000 square meters in an agricultural area belonging to the Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School Foundation, involving various elements of the community to the government in realizing innovation through active collaboration and synergy.Through this program, it is hoped that it will not only be able to encourage optimal agricultural governance, but also provide added value for farmers and the surrounding community.Conceptually, he said, the Smart Green House will be developed into a potential for leading agrotourism in East Kalimantan Province, as well as as a means of education for the community related to integrated agricultural governance.In addition to starting the construction of the Smart Green House, the initial stage of developing the program was also carried out through the cultivation of rice fields by the assisted farmer group, which is the first initiation in East Kalimantan."We did this because we saw that the condition of agricultural land in the Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School area was suitable for various types of food crops, palawija and horticulture," he said.Through the surjan rice field system, fostered farmers are encouraged to get more optimal results in one area in various commodities, namely the selection tube planting system.The pattern applied is in the dry season because farmers cannot plant rice, they are replaced with nutmeg, then in the rainy season, rice fields can be flooded well to be planted with rice commodities."In its implementation, it has begun by equipping fostered farmers for the management of surjan rice fields, including various direct supports so that this idea runs optimally," said Anggono.