Deputy Chairman Of Commission VIII Of The DPR Asks The Government To Update BLT Recipient Data

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Ace Hasan Syadzily, asked the government to update the data on recipients of direct cash assistance (BLT) for fuel oil (BBM), so that it is accurate and on target.

According to Ace, the data update is intended so that the BLT BBM subsidies are really distributed to people who really need social assistance (Bansos) so that those who are low-income are not too deeply affected by the government's policy of increasing fuel prices.

"The increase in fuel prices is feared to have an impact on the increase in several commodities, especially the basic needs of the community so that the government must be able to suppress and control these impacts," Ace said in an official statement, Tuesday, September 6.

He added that the BLT BBM carried out with cash transfers was ensured to use it to shop for basic needs of the community.

Therefore, Ace asked the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to ensure that the distribution of BBM BLT runs quickly, precisely, and accurately.

To ensure the validation of data on BBM BLT recipients, the Ministry of Social Affairs needs to coordinate with other relevant ministries to resolve issues related to the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS), which is the database for social assistance.

"This DTKS is managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and is used not only for the Ministry of Social Affairs, but also for other ministries, such as the Ministry of Health for BPJS, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for electricity subsidies, and others," said Ace.

Ace added, so that there is an integrative and comprehensive approach in terms of updating data, the Ministry of Social Affairs must match DTKS with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

No exception, said Ace, encouraging the role of local governments (Pemda) to be more proactive in verifying and validating DTKS.

In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs must coordinate with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) so that local governments participate in collecting data on recipients of the social assistance.

"This is done so that the BLT BBM social assistance is really right on target and can help people who really need it," he concluded.

Just so you know, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed BLT for the transfer of fuel subsidies to 20.65 million beneficiary families (KPM) worth IDR 12.4 trillion through PT Pos Indonesia.

Distribution of BLT worth IDR 150,000 per KPM for 4 months. The search process will be carried out in two stages, which will be added both for beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and non-cash food assistance (BPNT).

Social Minister Risma said that currently PT Pos has data on the distribution of 18.469.299 KPM BLT fuel.

As for the data cleansing, the recipient died or moved as many as 330,701 KPM.