Huawei Beats Qualcomm For Most Technology Patents In 2020

JAKARTA - Huawei Technologies has surpassed Qualcomm in terms of wireless communication patents. This is because the company has filed for 8,607 patents in 2020.

Of course, this achievement is a big contribution for China to be able to surpass the United States (US) in terms of the technology industry, especially wireless communications. Each of these countries has contributed about 32 percent of their creation to be used worldwide by 2020.

Quoted from Gizmochina, wireless communication network technology is a fundamental component of modern communications, providing a fulcrum, and a catalyst for the rapid development of technology that has become the foundation of pioneering research in 5G communications.

In the 10 month period from January to October 2020, Huawei has filed 8,607 wireless patents, outnumbering 5,807 Qualcomm patents filed in the same period.

Apart from Huawei, there are also cellphone manufacturers that have contributed to China's image to the world, namely Oppo and the incoPat database provider based in Beijing. Oppo follows Qualcomm in third place with 5,353 patents filed in 2020.

As incoPat notes, which is based on public data for wireless communications patents, including next-generation 5G mobile network technology, China and the US account for about 65 percent of global patents. Meanwhile, Japan and South Korea each reached 15 and 7 percent.

Indeed, both of them often have active competition in wireless communication network technology and this is an important and strategic choice for companies to face international competition.