Minister Of Transportation Budi Karya Adjusts Land Transport Tariffs, Special For Ojol Announced September 7

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation is calculating the impact of the increase in fuel oil prices (BBM) on land transportation rates, especially for inter-provincial intercity transportation (AKAP).

Meanwhile, online motorcycle taxis (ojol) will be announced following the next two days or September 7 to be exact.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the Ministry of Transportation would take a number of steps to deal with the impact of rising fuel prices on the transportation sector.

Including adjusting economic class public transport rates, especially on land transportation modes.

Furthermore, Budi explained, the study that will be carried out is related to the tariff for inter-provincial intercity transportation (AKAP) economic passengers.

"The amount of tariff will be determined by the study we are currently conducting, and we will convey the results in the near future," he said in an official statement, Monday, September 5.

Then, continued Budi, the next step is to immediately determine the adjustment of the ojol tariff.

"We will announce the adjustment of the ojol tariff in the next two days, with the amount that has been adjusted to the latest conditions for the fuel price adjustment," said the Minister of Transportation.

Budi said, so that its implementation can run well, the Ministry of Transportation has also asked the Director General of Land Transportation to intensify communication with ojol driver partners and applicators.

Meanwhile, Budi revealed that the impact of the subsidized fuel price increase on sea, air, and economic class trains was not very significant.

Even so, said Budi, the study will still be carried out and announced in the near future.

"For air transportation, at this time we see a downward trend in aircraft ticket prices at certain times. This is an encouraging thing in line with our common expectations," said Budi.

Perform Coordination

Budi also revealed that the Ministry of Transportation has coordinated with ministries/agencies, including local governments and stakeholders, as well as listened to suggestions and input from various parties related to the adjustment of transportation rates.

Furthermore, Budi explained, the fuel component is a fairly large component in transportation service operations, which ranges from 11 to 40 percent, so various adjustments must also be made.

"On the other hand, we are also very aware of the impact of bbm price adjustments on inflation rates," he explained.

To help ease the burden on the community and also transportation actors, said Budi, the government has also provided social assistance for wage subsidies to 16 million workers with a maximum salary of IDR 3.5 million per month.

Also, subsidies in the transportation sector are for angkot, ojol, base motorcycle taxis (opang) drivers, and for fishermen as a form of diversion of fuel subsidies, the distribution is carried out by the regional government.

For this reason, Budi also invites business actors in the transportation sector to jointly create a new balance.

Budi admits that the transportation sector is the sector most affected by the subsidized fuel price adjustment.

Moreover, he continued, the role of transportation for the buffer for community mobility and the flow of goods is a backbone for the national economy.

"On the one hand, safe transportation services can be maintained and on the other hand can still provide affordable rates for the community," he concluded.