The Government Must Guarantee The Voting Rights Of Vulnerable Groups In The Pilkada

JAKARTA - The 2020 Pilkada Monitoring Team from the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) asked the government and the KPU to pay attention to the voting rights of vulnerable groups.

Komnas HAM commissioner, Hairansyah said, paying attention to vulnerable groups is the state's obligation to fulfill the human rights of citizens in the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada.

"Vulnerable groups must remain a concern and receive adequate facilitation and protection, especially vulnerable groups who have a high risk of being exposed to COVID-19," said Hairansyah in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, November 24.

Hairansyah explained that the vulnerable groups referred to include prison prisoners, disabilities, groups of migrant workers, groups of women, the elderly and the sick who are being treated. Then groups of people with mental problems, to indigenous peoples and living on the border.

"This vulnerable group is also a minority who generally experiences discrimination, both by the state and society, including religious minorities," said Hairansyah.

Hairansyah said that the state's obligation to provide guarantees and special treatment for these vulnerable groups is stated in the general explanation regarding civil and political rights.

The explanation, he said, stated that the treatment applies to every person who is deprived of his freedom on the basis of law and state authority who is detained in prisons, detention camps or prisons.

Hairansyah assessed that the coordination of the Provincial and Regency / City KPUs with the COVID-19 task force and regional health offices was still lacking in preparing to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 after the post-campaign and voting.

Therefore, Komnas HAM encourages the KPU through the provincial and district / city KPUs to coordinate intensively with regional task forces and the health office.

"And, it is also necessary to prepare emergency steps related to the impact of the spread of COVID-19 after the campaign and voting stages to ensure the safety and health of the public and election organizers," he concluded.