A Surge In The Rizieq Shihab Mass Cluster Cases Considered To Have Destroyed The Work Of The Task Force To Handle COVID-19

JAKARTA - Crowds at a number of events attended by the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab are recognized as causing a surge in COVID-19 cases.

The Chairperson of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 said there was an increase in COVID-19 cases after the long holiday at the end of October. However, the increase in cases was not significant.

However, there are a number of cases that have contributed to the increase in cases during the long holiday, namely the activities of the Rizieq crowd that have occurred in the last few days.

"Activities that increase the number of cases are especially in the Soetta Airport area, in the Petamburan Village area, and also in the Slipi area. Then East Tebet and Megamendung," said Doni on Monday, November 23.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), regretted the Rizieq crowd. Nadjamuddin said, the crowd in the past week could trigger the emergence of the COVID-19 cluster.

He highlighted the many activities that gathered the masses in the last few days. In crowds, it is very difficult to apply health protocols and even risks being a suggestion of corona transmission.

"We are very sorry, ten months of hard work were destroyed by crowd activities in the past week," Nadjamuddin said.

Pemprov DKI discusses contact tracing

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that he would conduct contact tracing for all supporters of Rizieq Shihab who tested positive for COVID-19. About 80 people were confirmed positive because they were involved in the crowd in the Petamburan and Tebet areas.

However, Riza did not explain when the contact tracing would be carried out. Riza then appealed to the public to stay disciplined with the applicable regulations.

"Everything that is positive will be contact tracing and treatment. In principle, we ask the public to be obedient and obedient," said Riza.

Later the Health Service (Dinkes) will trace people who have a history of contact with positive patients who will be asked to undergo a swab test. In fact, if they refuse, there will be fines given.