How Families Of GrabWheels Accident Victims Seek Justice

JAKARTA - The bloody incident that claimed the lives of two electric scooter users, Wisnu (18) and Ammar (18) is still a mystery to the families of the victims. Because the statements made by the police and statements from several survivors were contradictory.

On the one hand, the police said the perpetrator, DH, did not run away because he stopped at door 5 Gelora Bung Karno after the accident. Although, the distance from the scene of the incident to where the Camry's car stopped is estimated to be 100 meters.

Meanwhile, from the statements of the victims, the perpetrator did not stop the vehicle at all and instead ran away. So, the victim's family also decided to report the difference in information to the National Police Commission (Kompolnas).

The purpose of visiting Kompolnas was told by Jelita who was the older brother of Wisnu, the victim of the accident. With the hope, later the differences in these statements will get clarity.

"So we come here (Kompolnas) to explain that there is a difference between what the police interview was doing and what my younger brother's friends experienced," he said at the Kompolnas Office, Jakarta, Friday, November 15.

"That the difference is that the police said the suspect was helping the victim behind his back. But according to my sister's friend, the suspect did not help the victim, the suspect actually walked back without helping my sister," added Jelita.

With the receipt of these complaints, later Kompolnas will hold a meeting with the police to clarify all these differences. In addition, with this report, it is hoped that the DH figure will undergo detention in accordance with the applicable law.

This is because until now the police have decided not to detain DH on the grounds of the investigator's authority. However, this man has been named a suspect because he has fulfilled Article 310 in conjunction with Article 311 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

"Detained, of course. These two lives have been taken. In accordance with the existing law. I can't be willing to do that. If asked to stop, I don't want to. The legal process must go on," said Jelita.

However, it is undeniable that the family of the perpetrator, namely his mother, had good intentions by coming to the funeral home. However, this does not mean that the legal process just stops.

Unfortunately, Jelita said, she didn't really pay attention when DH's parents came. So, we cannot confirm whether the mother and father of the perpetrator are state officials.

"He didn't mention who he was, he came with condolences, apologized. He kept talking to my mother," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate for Bin Gakkum, Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Fahri Siregar, said the police had certain considerations behind the decision not to detain DH.

According to Fahri, the investigators considered that DH would not run away or lose any evidence. "So, that is the consideration of the investigators, he said, Thursday, November 14.

"So I underline that the detention was not carried out because the investigator had considerations," he added.