New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Tawari Biden Assistance In Handling Pandemic

JAKARTA - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest leader of the country to congratulate the elected President of the United States (US), Joe Biden. Not only congratulations. Ardern also offered Biden assistance to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak that was rampant in Uncle Sam's country.

"I offered him and his team access to New Zealand health officials to share their experiences about the things we have learned in our fight against COVID-19," Ardern said.

“Although New Zealand has a number of natural advantages that have helped us manage the virus, I firmly believe international cooperation continues to be the key to controlling the virus. We are happy to work with any country to share our knowledge and data if it is useful, ”he added.

Previously, New Zealand was recorded as one of the most successful countries in suppressing COVID-19. On that basis, New Zealand's steps were followed by many countries in the world. starting from assertiveness of leadership, enforcing the COVID-19 protocol, and easy access to the COVID-19 test for all New Zealanders.

Apart from COVID-19, the two leaders who had communicated for 20 minutes via telephone also discussed other matters. It is a matter of trade and climate change.

For this reason, Biden also praised Ardern's extraordinary leadership. Because so far New Zealand has confirmed 2,030 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 25 cases died.