Replace Two Directors, Garuda Indonesia Subsidiaries Keep Andi Fahrurrozi As President Director

JAKARTA - PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) Aero Asia Tbk has again chosen Andi Fahrurrozi as President Director. The decision of the subsidiary of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk was contained through the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) quoted by Antara, Friday, September 2.

For his election as President Director of GMF, Andi will seek to restore performance through sectors that are not too affected by the pandemic, including power services, defense industry, business & private jets, and cargo aircraft maintenance.

"Another note is that GMF has increased the volume of heavy care work, especially from foreign cargo planes," he said.

He said the GMF also recorded significant improvements in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization (EBITDA) in 2021.

According to him, 2021 is a comprehensive improvement momentum to maintain liquidity and improve fundamental financial performance.

On the other hand, the world's civil flights are also opening up opportunities for GMF to reactivation planes with grounded status during travel restrictions.

As many as 90.12 percent of shareholders who attended the meeting also agreed to the appointment of Maria Kristi Endah Murni as Commissioner.

In addition, the AGMS also honorably dismissed Jaka Ari Triyoga as Director of Line Operation and appointed Mukhtaris as the new Director of Line Operation, and respectfully dismissed Edward Okky Avianto as Director of Finance, as well as appointed Salusra Satria as the new Director of Finance.

Thus, the composition of the GMF management as the result of the AGMS decision is as follows:

President Commissioner : Rahmat Hanafi

Independent Commissioner : Ali Gunawan

Commissioner : Maria Kristi Endah Murni

Independent Commissioner : Gatot Sulistiantoro Dewa Broto

Independent Commissioner : Agut Atriantio

President Director : Andi Fahrurrozi

Finance Director: Salusra Satria

Human Capital & Corporate Affairs Director: Pudjo Sarwoko

Line Operation Director: Mukhtaris

Business & Base Operation Director: Ananta Widjaja