Invite Community To Use Electric Motorcycles, Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources: We Burn Rp 1.2 T Money Every Day For Fuel

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif invites the public to use electric motors.

Arifin said, currently in Indonesia there are at least 120 units of motorcycles.

If the conversion program can run well, it will provide large savings and a cleaner environment.

"In Indonesia, there are currently 120 million motorcycles. If we calculate 1 liter of fuel per motorbike per day, we will burn 800,000 barrels of oil. So if the price of oil is now 100 US dollars per barrel, then we have burned 80 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 1.2 trillion for fuel," said Arifin in an official statement, Friday, September 2.

Arifin continued, with the growth of motorcycles 6 million to 8 million units per year, the budget to be issued in 10 years will swell.

Not to mention the fact that Indonesia is still importing oil to meet domestic needs.

In addition to reducing fuel consumption, continued Arifin, the use of electric vehicles can also reduce co2 emissions which greatly impact the environment and health in the community.

Previously, Arifin accompanied by Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati inspected the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) Green Energy Station (GES), which is also Pertamina's Public Electric Vehicle Battery Distribution Station (SPBKLU) located in Denpasar, Bali.

According to Arifin, the operation of this gas station will encourage the evolution of motorized vehicles, from using fuel oil, to becoming electric fuel, which is cleaner for the environment and cost-effective, because electricity costs will also be more competitive.

"This is the evolution of motorized vehicles, which were previously fueled to be electrified, clean environmentally and efficient. Their electricity costs are also getting more and more competitive. Because now (business entities) compete to market their businesses, such as solar panels that are cheaper. On the other hand, if you continue to use fossil fuels, it will be more expensive. Not to mention that in the future you will be subject to a carbon tax. So indeed we have to switch to renewable clean energy, which is indeed the source in nature," said Arifin

Given the growing need, Arifin also encouraged the participation of all parties to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles towards national efficiency.

"So indeed anyone can come, how can we encourage the demand for electric vehicles. From the fuel cost side," he explained.

PT Pertamina (Persero) is committed to increasing the construction of GES, namely solar and environmentally friendly gas station innovation, which currently amounts to about 300 units by the end of the year.

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said his party would increase the source of EBT both upstream, refinery, and downstream, according to the energy mix target.

For the electric vehicle ecosystem, Nicke said Pertamina is starting development on the downstream side and starting with two-wheeled vehicles.

"Our concept is to sell swap batteries to make it easier for motorcyclists, to get their scale in. In Bali, we work with Grab for the development of this ecosystem. If this ecosystem has been built, it will automatically provide convenience to people who will switch to using electric vehicles," said Nicke.