Based On Tracking, COVID-19 Cases In Petamburan Are Increasing

JAKARTA - The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Petamburan Village, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta increased after the local Puskesmas conducted tracing or "tracing" around residential areas.

"After four days of tracing, we immediately saw an increase in COVID-19 cases," said Head of the Central Jakarta Health Office, Erizon Safari, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 23.

Erizon said that from four days of tracing the closest contact of Lurah Petamburan Setiyanto in the area, 20 people were found positive for COVID-19.

"The addition of (cases) is not only from people closest to the Head of Petamburan Village, but also from residents who are positive for COVID-19," he said.

Erizon said the Tanah Abang District Health Center was ready to examine the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) if necessary.

HRS has been advised by the police to check his health, because he just arrived from abroad and there was a crowd on the day of his son's marriage contract.

However, until now there is no plan to investigate it. "In essence, we are ready if needed to check HRS. We also don't know whether HRS has or have not checked the 'swab test' before coming to Indonesia," he said.

Previously, the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo said a number of crowd activities related to Muhammad Rizieq Shihab resulted in a spike in COVID-19 cases.

Initially Doni said that there was an increase in COVID-19 cases after the long holiday at the end of last October. However, the increase in cases was not significant.

"There has been an increase in cases during the last long holiday. However, if we look at the numbers we can still control it. This means that it is not higher than the long holiday in August before," said Doni in a press conference broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat Youtube, Monday, November 23.

However, there were a number of cases that contributed to the increase in cases during the long holiday, namely the activities of the Rizieq crowd that occurred in the last few days.

"Activities that increase the number of cases are especially in the Soetta Airport area, in the Petamburan Village area, and also in the Slipi area. Then also Tebet Timur, and Megamendung," said Doni.

Therefore, Doni asked all the people who participated in the crowd to voluntarily be willing to carry out the antigen swab that had been prepared by the DKI Jakarta Health Office in a number of puskesmas.