Rizieq Shihab Rejects Swab Test, DKI Health Office Does Not Want Comments

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Widyastuti, has not wanted to comment on the refusal of FPI leader Rizieq Shihab who refuses to undergo a COVID-19 swab test from the government. This is because he has not received complete information regarding Rizieq's refusal.

"I don't know what the context was when he was offered (the swab test). Of course we need to get clearer information, so we can't comment because I don't know what the news is," said Widyastuti at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Monday, 23 November.

In addition, Widyastuti has not been able to comment on the sanctions imposed on DKI residents who refuse to be investigated. In fact, this rule has been passed in the DKI Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020.

Article 29 of Perda No.2 of 2020 states that every person who deliberately refuses to take RT-PCR or Molecular Rapid Test and / or a supporting examination conducted by the DKI Provincial Government will be punished with a maximum fine of IDR 5 million.

"I have not received more complete information regarding what happened to him (Rizieq). Of course we will try to find the information. In responding to the regional regulation, we will read carefully and how it is implemented," said Widyastuti.

For information, on the evening of Saturday, November 21, Satpol PP, Tanah Abang Police, and TNI officers visited the residence of FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab to ask for a willingness to carry out a COVID-19 swab test.

Unfortunately, the request was not met. Rizieq refused to be tested. In fact, Rizieq was one of the actors in the crowd at various events he attended.

Said Secretary of DPP FPI legal aid, Aziz Yanuar, Rizieq is in good health. That is why Rizieq feels that the government does not need to deal with the potential for transmission of the corona virus to him.

"The police came to Petamburan to ask about HRS's condition, they answered that they were healthy. He was perfectly healthy, fit. For swab and others, we have a team from HILMI and MER-C, so the government does not need to bother and give priority to HRS and FPI," said Aziz, Sunday, November 22.